艾米利卡尔艺术设计学院(Emily Carr University of Art + Design)入学要求:


您的作品集是展示您创造性发展状态的工作和想法的集合。我们想看看你创造了什么来想象你如何可能成功在艾米莉卡尔艺术与设计大学。 强大的作品集包括各种艺术作品、实验过程、材料技术、观察技巧和创造性思维。 对于一个好的作品集,没有僵化或无故障的公式:我们正在寻找独特的创造力、参与度和灵感组合,使艺术、设计和媒体教育适合您。

Your portfolio is a collection of work and ideas that demonstrate the state of your creative development. We want to see what you create to imagine how you might succeed at Emily Carr University of Art + Design. A strong portfolio includes a diverse array of artwork, experimental processes, material techniques, observation skills, and creative thinking. There is no rigid or fail-safe formula for a good portfolio: we are looking for that unique combination of creativity, engagement, and inspiration that makes art, design and media education suitable for you.


第 1 部分:10 个创意实践示例

向我们展示您的创意实践的广泛示例。欢迎所有媒体,无论是混合的还是其他的媒体,从视频或歌曲,到连环画或杂志。 仅提交您过去两年中最后状态的最佳作品。我们最多评估 10 个样本。

Show us a wide range of examples of your creative practice. All media, mixed or otherwise—from a video or a song, to a comic strip or a zine—are welcome. Submit only your best work in its final state from the last two years. Be critical in your selection, as we evaluate 10 samples maximum.


第 2 部分:挑战题

使用各种材料(从图像到歌曲到雕塑)响应三个提示。 在一个原始图像或20秒的媒体剪辑中,回答以下问题:创造力对个人和社区都很重要? 在三个原始图像中,给我们讲一个关于你自己的故事。 使用三种不同的材料,构建一个将放在公共空间中心的模型。包括工艺草图/照片。 在艺术地响应这三个提示后,请通过写不超过 50 字来告诉我们您对整个创作过程的感受。

Respond to three prompts using a variety of materials, from images to songs to sculpture.

In one original image or 20-second media clip, answer the question: How is creativity important for both the individual and the community?

In three original images, tell us a story about yourself.

Using three different materials, build a model of what you would put in the centre of a public space. Include process sketches/photographs.

After responding to the three prompts artistically, please tell us how you feel about that entire creative process by writing no more than 50 words.


第 3 部分:书面回复

最后,我们希望听到你的声音,并通过你的写作了解你。这不是一篇正式的文章,而是个人反思和知识诚实的机会。每个答案 75-100 字,回答以下三个问题: 是什么让你的沟通问题变得有趣? 根据你的经验,学习新东西最好的部分是什么?举例说明您何时喜欢作为共享体验学习。 列出你想在艾米丽·卡尔学的所有东西。

Lastly, we want to hear your voice and learn about you through your writing. This is not a formal essay, but an opportunity for personal reflection and intellectual honesty. In 75-100 words per answer, respond to the following three questions:

What makes a communication problem interesting to you?

In your experience, what is the best part of learning something new? Give an example of when you loved learning as a shared experience.

Make a list of all the things you’d like to learn at Emily Carr.