罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)入学要求:
应展示最近作品的 12–20 个示例,展示您的思考和制作。您将通过通用应用程序在 SlideRoom 中上传您的作品集,您将在其中开始申请过程。
Your portfolio should present 12–20 examples of your most recent work that showcases your thinking and making. You will upload your portfolio in SlideRoom through the Common Application, where you will begin the application process.
Your selected work should reflect a full range of your ideas, curiosity, experimentation and experience in creating and making. This can include work in any medium, in finished or sketch form, and can be the result of an assigned project or a self-directed exploration.
We strongly recommend that you include some examples that involve drawing from direct observation (rather than from imagination or a photograph). Drawing is a fundamental tool for visual makers from initial concept to execution, so it is valuable for reviewers to see examples of your experience with and approach to drawing.
While the majority of your portfolio should feature finished pieces, we suggest including some research or preparatory work in up to three—but no more than three—portfolio selections. This helps reviewers better understand how you develop your ideas.
最后,我们强烈不建议在单个幻灯片提交中包含过多的可视元素和文本说明。这些很难查看,并且可能超出允许的文件限制。 某些作品的其他角度或细节照片可以作为单个图像或视频上传提交,也可以上传包含最多三个图像的合成。 编辑是策划您的投资组合的重要组成部分。您可能需要设计创造性的解决方案,以最好地在提交指南的范围内展示您的工作。
Finally, we strongly discourage including excessive visual elements and text descriptions in a single slide submission. These are difficult to view and are likely to exceed the allowed file limit. Additional angles or detail shots of some works can either be submitted as an individual image or video upload, or you can upload a composite including up to three images. Editing is an important part of curating your portfolio. You may need to devise creative solutions to best show your work within the limits of submission guidelines.
我们推荐的文件格式是: jpeg, png, gif, mp4 和 mov 。 这些格式与幻灯片室最兼容。Google 云端硬盘、压缩文件和多个页面 PDF 不推荐用于共享您的作品的格式。
Our recommended file formats are: jpeg, png, gif, mp4 and mov. These formats are most compatible with SlideRoom. Google Drive or zipped files are not recommended formats for sharing your artwork.
Identify something that is in need of repair. Use any material or approach to fix it.
What you choose to fix can be anything: from a tangible object to an intangible system. You can choose something objectively broken, or something you personally believe is in need of repair. This could be a past art piece, a social or ecological issue, a historical era, technology, etc.
Your process is entirely up to you, but your fix should involve intentional modifications that change the original state for the better. It can exist in the realm of aesthetics, function, structure, or in any other capacity.
Visual responses will vary by applicant so how you document your assignment will depend on your repair. This could be photo documentation of your response, a digital outcome, or a short video.
在单个页面 PDF 中提交书面声明,让您深入了解挑战题中使用的创作过程。您的书面陈述可以与以下任何一项发言:
Submit a written statement in a single page PDF that provides insight into the creative process you used in your visual response. Your written statement could speak to any of the following:
1.如何识别需要修复的内容 对于选择有形对象进行修复的申请人,我们建议在书面报表文件中包括原始对象的单个图像/记录。在查看"修复"时,审阅者有参考点会很有帮助。
1. How you identified something in need of repair. For applicants choosing a tangible object to repair, we recommend including a single image/recording of the original object in your written statement file. It’s helpful for reviewers to have a point of reference when viewing your ‘fix.’
2.Your considerations toward problem solving
3.Material choices